Michael O'Dowd Michael O'Dowd

Train how you fight: Improving Stress Tolerance

In this case of most training courses, we are measuring stressors as heart rate and external pressure from instructors/ourselves. These all show themselves physically as a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood. Even if we cannot recreate being in a gunfight, or having our children in danger, our brains typically cannot differentiate between physical and mental stress, and the reaction is the same.

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Special Operations Forces #3 Truth

Elite Organizations Cannot Be Mass Produced.

Special Operations Forces #2 Truth

States that "Quality is better than Quantity." In Episode 2 of our 5-part series, FRsix Founder Fran Racioppi explains why.

Special Operations Forces #1 Truth

Humans Are More Important Than Hardware. In any organization, people make the difference; not equipment.